Hi again lovelies!
I know it's long overdue for a new product review, but as some of you may know, I had to have surgery recently and there were some complications after the surgery so trying to get back on my feet (literally) after that has been kind of a struggle. So that's why I haven't been able to blog recently, but now I'm back again.
This is actually a product review that I'm really excited about because it's a product that's somewhat new for me and I have just been loving it ever since I got it!
If you, like me, are one of those girls who suffer from dark under eyes (sometimes not so bad, sometimes panda-style), you're in for a treat with this product! Another thing I love love love about it is that it really does help with the creasing-problem I experience with pretty much all concealers. The product I'm talking about it of course the Bobbi Brown Corrector :)
I won't be going into detail about the brand itself (which is american), other than mentioning that it really is a great brand with great quality products. The only problem is that it's difficult to get a hold of here in Finland and in Scandinavia in general (I'm not quite sure what the situation is in the rest of Europe, but if anyone has any tips, feel free to post them in the comment section below).
Price and where to get it
I got mine from an online cosmetics store called 4 Ever Young Cosmetics, where it retails for $21 - which is around 16 euros. I'm not sure where else you can buy it, but I for one recommend 4 Ever Young Cosmetics, because I have been very pleased with my orders from them and I have been in contact with them quite a lot and have noting but praise for them. Besides, their prices are more affordable than some other places (just for comparison for instance, the corrector retails for $24 at the Bobbi Brown website, so 4 Ever Young Cosmetics sell it $3 cheaper).
Also, if you do decide to order from them, you can use my discount code which I was allowed to share with my readers to get 10% off your total. So if you buy the corrector using the discount you will be paying $18.9 (around 14 euros and 35 cents) instead of $21 (round 16 euros). To get this discount, just subscribe to my blog or my YouTube channel and type in 10offTanja in the little coupon/discount box section when you check out at 4 Ever Young Cosmetics. It's as simple as that. You can use the code regardless of your location :) Also, their shipping costs are quite reasonable, they offer international shipping and the delivery is fast, what's not to love :) If you want more information on the discount, please check out the post I made for that, right here. You can, of course, use this discount for any other products they sell as well.
The six C's of the corrector
- container, content (amount), consistency, coverage, color and creasing
The container (packaging)
The Bobbi Brown Corrector comes in a elegant and sleek flip-open container made of shiny black plastic and it has a mirror in the lid, which makes application on the go easy as well. It looks really classy and elegant with the minimalistic design and shiny surface, I really like it.
Content (amount)
The flip-open container contains 1,4 grams (that's .05 oz) of product, which - granted - sounds like a ridiculously small amount of product, but I must say that I have been pleasantly surprised by how little you actually need to use. It is a high end product, as the price indicates as well, but I must say that I haven't really come across any product that would do what this does and do it so well. And because you don't need a lot at a time, it will last you a decent amount of time. So I feel like it's definitely worth it.
Consistency and coverage
The product is highly pigmented and has a very dense yet somehow creamy texture, so a little really does go a long way. I usually apply the corrector using a concealer brush, so there will of course be a little bit of product going to waste each time since some of it ends up in your brush which you then cleanse. But, nonetheless, I have been using my corrector in Light Bisque whenever I put on makeup (which isn't every day, but still) for a few weeks now (and I've also swatched it a few times for picture purposes) and I have barely made a dent (as you can see in the picture above).
As for the coverage, I feel it's pretty good, I would say a medium coverage. The thing is, the corrector isn't intended to be used on its own, but instead you're supposed to layer a concealer (which matches your skin tone) on top of it. The purpose of the corrector is to brighten your under eye region, which will then improve the results you get from applying your concealer. I must admit though, some days I feel like the corrector in itself would be enough for me - yes, it is that great - but I usually put a tiny bit of concealer on top of it anyhow just to make sure I get the right color to match my skin tone (as I do have more of a yellow under tone to my skin rather than a pink one).
If you feel sort of put off by the thought of layering different products thinking that the result will be thick and cakey, please rest assured that that does not have to be the case. As I mentioned earlier, the product is highly pigmented so you don't have to (and shouldn't) put it on thickly, but instead just go for a thin and natural-looking layer. And being that the corrector already does a great job at brightening your under eye region, you won't need to put that much concealer on top of it anyhow. Also, if you feel like it's a hassle to have to add another step into your makeup routine with the layering and all, I can assure you that this is a step that is most definitely worth while! :)
The corrector comes in 16 (!!!) different colors, which is AMAZING! So there is definitely a color for you out there, regardless of your skin tone! This is one of the things I love about Bobbi Brown, a lot of makeup brands cater to a "lighter" skin tone market whereas the deeper skin tones tend to be a little left out, but not Bobbi Brown, they have colors all the way from porcelain to deep (and their deep is actually deep). I'm not saying Bobbi Brown is the only brand that have a wider selection of colors, there are others (like MAC for instance), all I'm saying is that I'm happy Bobbi Brown offers a wide array of color choices :)
Not only does the corrector come in 16 different colors, but in 2 different base tones, bisque and peach. The bisque range, consisting of 9 colors, has a more rosy "base color" which works great for those of you with a sort of blueness/purpleness in your under eye darkness. The peach range, consisting of 7 different colors, has more of a peachy/orangey "base color", which is great for those with more of a brown discoloration in the under eye region. So yes, depending on your skin tone and on the color of the discoloration of your under eye darkness, you can choose from 16 different colors in two different "base tones".
Now, neither of the 2 base tones are supposed to match your own skin tone, because the purpose of a corrector is to brighten you under eye region and the way it does this is by using the base color of the product to counteract the color of the discoloration in you under eye region. So if the corrector was in fact the same color as your natural skin tone, it wouldn't be able to do this. Instead, the correctors are infused with either a rosy or peachy under tone which will counteract either the blueness or the brownness under your eyes and give you a brighter, fresher, more awake and well-rested look.
The bisque range offers a selection of 9 colors (from lightest to darkest):
porcelain bisque,
extra light bisque,
light bisque,
light to medium bisque,
medium to dark bisque,
dark bisque,
deep bisque,
very deep bisque.
The peach range offers a selection of 7 colors (from lightest to darkest):
porcelain peach,
light peach,
light to medium peach,
peach bisque,
dark peach,
deep peach.
I got my correctors in the colors light bisque and light peach. I already knew the bisque range would be more up my alley since the discoloration of my under eye darkness is more of a blueish kind, but I figured I would give the peach range a try as well and I also wanted to be able to show you guys the difference between the two, so I got both. As you can see in the photo of the swatches, they are completely different. The light bisque corrector is a pale rosy color whereas the light peach is a more peachy color. Check out the swatches of the two colors in the pictures below :)
This is something that I feel I just have to address because as some of you may know, at least if you read my review on the FakeUp Concealer by Benefit, I have a huuuuuge issue with concealers that crease. Which for me, unfortunately, is pretty much every concealer, ever. The thing is, I'm a very expressive person and I smile a LOT, with my whole face, which leads to endless scrunching of my eyes all day long and the poor concealers that I use end up creasing and settling into fine lines, which in turn leaves me looking about a hundred years old. Okay, it's not THAT bad every day, but some days are better than others and other days I do kinda feel like I look a hundred years old or at least a lot older than I am. However, I have no intention whatsoever to stop smiling with my whole face just to avoid a few extra fine lines or creasing, I feel like that's a small price to pay for being able to brighten someone else's day with a heartfelt smile, don't you? :)
But yeah, the creasing issue.. That's always something I pay attention to when trying out a new under eye product, because just because I love smiling and have no intention of stopping doing that just to avoid some creasing doesn't mean I still wouldn't love to find a product that creases as little as possible (I'm not even going to say "a product that doesn't crease" because to be honest with you, I don't think such a thing even exists - at least for me). Enter the Bobbi Brown Corrector :) The funny thing is, I've been using an under eye primer to try to avoid creasing (the one I use is the Hydrating Under Eye Primer by Smashbox, which is a good product, more on that in a separate review though), but since I started using the corrector I haven't really needed my primer. I've tried using the primer underneath the corrector and sure, that works too, but then I forgot to put it on one day and noticed that the corrector in itself dos the job so after that I haven't really been using my primer. This is just how it works for me though, feel free to share your own experiences in the comment section below.
When I use my Bobbi Brown Corrector, which is pretty much every time I put on makeup these days, I experience a lot less creasing than when I use just a concealer or a primer and a concealer. I don't know what it is, but it works for me. Lately I've been using the combination of Bobbi Brown Corrector and Make Up Forever Full Cover Concealer (which in itself also is very low-crease, one of the very best I've ever tried actually - but more on that in another review) and the results have been pretty great. Of course there is a little bit of settling in fine lines and a little bit of creasing, but very minimal really and it has for sure been the best combo I've tried in a while. I tried combining the corrector with some other concealers as well, but right now this works. I will be trying out my new Eve Pearl Salmon Concealer duo very soon though, so I will keep you updated on how that turns out as well, there will be a review on that coming up soon.
I have my Makeup Forever Full Cover Concealer in the color #6 Ivory. This is a rather light shade with a bit of a yellowy undertone and at first it seemed like a perfect match for me so I was super happy, but I soon came to realize as I was using it that it does tend to oxidize, so you end up with a couple shades (or three) darker than it first seemed to be when you applied it. This was sort of a bummer for me, as I specifically had planned to use this concealer for my under eye region because I had heard that it doesn't crease much. I can still use it, but I would prefer a lighter shade so I think I will place an order for a lighter one next time I do my shopping at 4 Ever Young Cosmetics (which is where I got this as well, the price was $31 minus the 10% discount). Below I posted some pictures of swatches of this concealer next to the correctors.
As you can see in the pictures, the color of the concealer is a lot lighter in the top picture, whereas in the bottom two the color is a lot darker. Because I did blend the product and worked it into my skin, you might not be able to tell that much of a difference (maybe I should have applied a bit more product - I just applied a tiny little bit - yes it's super pigmented as well, or just not blended it so much), but I assure you the difference is quite big in real life.
As you can see in the closeup above, the shades of the correctors are the same after blending and after a bit of waiting, so no oxidation to be taken into consideration there, if your skin tone calls for a specific shade, go for it, that is the way the color will stay. As or the Makeup Forever Full Cover Concealer, I would suggest you go for a shade lighter than you normally would, just because there will be some oxidation and the shade will turn darker than it is upon application.
Ease of use
Like I said before, the consistency of the product is quite dense but somehow still creamy and application is quite easy really. I usually apply my corrector using a concealer brush, but you can apply it with your fingers as well (just make sure your hands are super clean so you don't contaminate the product if you plan on dipping your fingers in the product, or use a little spatula to remove the product from the container). I feel the product glides on quite nicely, but of course you need to take extra care when applying it (just like with any product that goes on the skin in the eye region), so that you don't tug or pull the delicate skin.
I quite like that it has a built-in mirror in the container itself, I haven't really used it yet, as I usually have a specific mirror I use when applying my makeup, but I imagine it can come in handy if you have to apply your makeup on the go and don't want to carry a lot of extra products n mirrors in your bag.
Just to give you guys more of an idea on how the corrector really works, I put together a little picture demo for you guys. Hehe, oh, and there will be photos of bare faced me, no makeup, so don't get scared :)
Okay, so step one: this is me without makeup. This is the sleep deprived post-surgery me (serious lack of sleep due to the pain), so try to bear with me, I know my under eye circles are going bananas, I look completely fatigued and it all sort of makes me look like a little sleep deprived panda when I'm not wearing my beloved corrector.
That was scary, I know, sorry :D The top two photos are taken in a warmer lighting and the bottom two in a cooler lighting, just to show you guys the difference. So then, onto step two, in the next picture I have applied the corrector to my left eye, but not to my right (for comparison's sake).
In the picture above you can compare the left eye with the right and see that the Bobbi Brown Corrector really does make a huge difference.
In step three, pictured below, I have applied corrector to both eyes.
In the next set of photos I have applied both corrector and concealer to my left eye (shown to the right in the picture - mirrored), whereas the right eye has corrector alone in the top picture. In the bottom picture I have applied both corrector and concealer to both eyes.
Right, that was that. Just to make it a little bit easier for you guys to actually see the difference I also made some step to step collages. First, my left eye in three stages:
top = naked eye,
middle = only corrector,
bottom = both corrector and concealer.
And then the same for the right eye:
top = naked eye,
middle = only corrector,
bottom = both corrector and concealer.
And then both eyes (from top to bottom 1 being at the very top and 6 being the bottom picture)"
1. Naked eyes.
2. Corrector on left eye only (to the right in the picture - mirrored) right eye still bare (to the left in the picture).
3. Corrector on both eyes.
4. Corrector and concealer on the left eye (to the right in the photo) and only corrector on the right eye (to the left in the photo).
5. Corrector and concealer on both eyes.
6. Eye makeup done.
And then finally onto the finished look.
For this look I used the following makeup products:
Hourglass - Mineral Veil Primer
Lioele - Triple the solution BB cream
Bobbi Brown - Corrector in the shade Light Bisque
Makeup Forever - Full Cover Concealer in the shade #6 Ivory
IT Cosmetics - Bye Bye Pores Poreless Finish HD Micro-Powder (loose powder)
Tarte - Amazonian Clay Matte Waterproof Bronzer in the shade Park Avenue Princess
Laneige - Makeup Brighter in the shade 2 (the most fantastic luminizer/highlighter everrrrr, love this stuff!)
K-Palette - Real Lasting Eyebrow 24 h in the shade 01 (this stuff is fantastic as well)
MAC - LiquidLast Liner in the shade Point Black (best liquid eyeliner EVER!)
MAC - Paint Pot in the shade Painterly
MAC - Paint Pot in the shade Bare Study
Imju - Fiberwig Mascara (amazing mascara, love love love this!)
Etude House - Fresh Cherry Liptint in the shade OR201 (great lip tint, love this range, comes in 4 colors, all really pretty and yummy)
MAC - Cremesheen Lipstick in the shade Crème Cup
There are reviews coming up on most of these products in the near future, so stay tuned for that :) If there is any product in particular that interests you, please let me know in the comment section below and I will try to get that review up here ASAP. :)
And that is it :) If you have any questions or comments, feel free to post them in the comment section below and I will try to get back to you as soon as possible :) And if you are looking for a product to help alleviate the dark under eye circles I genuinely suggest you give the Bobbi Brown Correctors a try, I had been going back and forth about trying them for the longest time and honestly, I'm so glad I decided to go for it! No more sleep deprived panda :)
I hope this review was of some help to those of you wanting to get to know the product a little and hopefully you guys will like the corrector if you decide to give it a go :)
Alright then, I hope you all keep enjoying the summer, have a fantastic day and please remember to smile, laugh, love and stay positive! :) 'Til next time! :)
I know it's long overdue for a new product review, but as some of you may know, I had to have surgery recently and there were some complications after the surgery so trying to get back on my feet (literally) after that has been kind of a struggle. So that's why I haven't been able to blog recently, but now I'm back again.
This is actually a product review that I'm really excited about because it's a product that's somewhat new for me and I have just been loving it ever since I got it!
If you, like me, are one of those girls who suffer from dark under eyes (sometimes not so bad, sometimes panda-style), you're in for a treat with this product! Another thing I love love love about it is that it really does help with the creasing-problem I experience with pretty much all concealers. The product I'm talking about it of course the Bobbi Brown Corrector :)
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This is the Bobbi Brown Corrector is the shade Light Bisque. |
I won't be going into detail about the brand itself (which is american), other than mentioning that it really is a great brand with great quality products. The only problem is that it's difficult to get a hold of here in Finland and in Scandinavia in general (I'm not quite sure what the situation is in the rest of Europe, but if anyone has any tips, feel free to post them in the comment section below).
Price and where to get it
I got mine from an online cosmetics store called 4 Ever Young Cosmetics, where it retails for $21 - which is around 16 euros. I'm not sure where else you can buy it, but I for one recommend 4 Ever Young Cosmetics, because I have been very pleased with my orders from them and I have been in contact with them quite a lot and have noting but praise for them. Besides, their prices are more affordable than some other places (just for comparison for instance, the corrector retails for $24 at the Bobbi Brown website, so 4 Ever Young Cosmetics sell it $3 cheaper).
Also, if you do decide to order from them, you can use my discount code which I was allowed to share with my readers to get 10% off your total. So if you buy the corrector using the discount you will be paying $18.9 (around 14 euros and 35 cents) instead of $21 (round 16 euros). To get this discount, just subscribe to my blog or my YouTube channel and type in 10offTanja in the little coupon/discount box section when you check out at 4 Ever Young Cosmetics. It's as simple as that. You can use the code regardless of your location :) Also, their shipping costs are quite reasonable, they offer international shipping and the delivery is fast, what's not to love :) If you want more information on the discount, please check out the post I made for that, right here. You can, of course, use this discount for any other products they sell as well.
The six C's of the corrector
- container, content (amount), consistency, coverage, color and creasing
The container (packaging)
The Bobbi Brown Corrector comes in a elegant and sleek flip-open container made of shiny black plastic and it has a mirror in the lid, which makes application on the go easy as well. It looks really classy and elegant with the minimalistic design and shiny surface, I really like it.
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The corrector to the left is the Light Bisque (which I have been using, as you can see) and the one to the right is the Light Peach) |
Content (amount)
The flip-open container contains 1,4 grams (that's .05 oz) of product, which - granted - sounds like a ridiculously small amount of product, but I must say that I have been pleasantly surprised by how little you actually need to use. It is a high end product, as the price indicates as well, but I must say that I haven't really come across any product that would do what this does and do it so well. And because you don't need a lot at a time, it will last you a decent amount of time. So I feel like it's definitely worth it.
Consistency and coverage
The product is highly pigmented and has a very dense yet somehow creamy texture, so a little really does go a long way. I usually apply the corrector using a concealer brush, so there will of course be a little bit of product going to waste each time since some of it ends up in your brush which you then cleanse. But, nonetheless, I have been using my corrector in Light Bisque whenever I put on makeup (which isn't every day, but still) for a few weeks now (and I've also swatched it a few times for picture purposes) and I have barely made a dent (as you can see in the picture above).
As for the coverage, I feel it's pretty good, I would say a medium coverage. The thing is, the corrector isn't intended to be used on its own, but instead you're supposed to layer a concealer (which matches your skin tone) on top of it. The purpose of the corrector is to brighten your under eye region, which will then improve the results you get from applying your concealer. I must admit though, some days I feel like the corrector in itself would be enough for me - yes, it is that great - but I usually put a tiny bit of concealer on top of it anyhow just to make sure I get the right color to match my skin tone (as I do have more of a yellow under tone to my skin rather than a pink one).
If you feel sort of put off by the thought of layering different products thinking that the result will be thick and cakey, please rest assured that that does not have to be the case. As I mentioned earlier, the product is highly pigmented so you don't have to (and shouldn't) put it on thickly, but instead just go for a thin and natural-looking layer. And being that the corrector already does a great job at brightening your under eye region, you won't need to put that much concealer on top of it anyhow. Also, if you feel like it's a hassle to have to add another step into your makeup routine with the layering and all, I can assure you that this is a step that is most definitely worth while! :)
The corrector comes in 16 (!!!) different colors, which is AMAZING! So there is definitely a color for you out there, regardless of your skin tone! This is one of the things I love about Bobbi Brown, a lot of makeup brands cater to a "lighter" skin tone market whereas the deeper skin tones tend to be a little left out, but not Bobbi Brown, they have colors all the way from porcelain to deep (and their deep is actually deep). I'm not saying Bobbi Brown is the only brand that have a wider selection of colors, there are others (like MAC for instance), all I'm saying is that I'm happy Bobbi Brown offers a wide array of color choices :)
Not only does the corrector come in 16 different colors, but in 2 different base tones, bisque and peach. The bisque range, consisting of 9 colors, has a more rosy "base color" which works great for those of you with a sort of blueness/purpleness in your under eye darkness. The peach range, consisting of 7 different colors, has more of a peachy/orangey "base color", which is great for those with more of a brown discoloration in the under eye region. So yes, depending on your skin tone and on the color of the discoloration of your under eye darkness, you can choose from 16 different colors in two different "base tones".
Now, neither of the 2 base tones are supposed to match your own skin tone, because the purpose of a corrector is to brighten you under eye region and the way it does this is by using the base color of the product to counteract the color of the discoloration in you under eye region. So if the corrector was in fact the same color as your natural skin tone, it wouldn't be able to do this. Instead, the correctors are infused with either a rosy or peachy under tone which will counteract either the blueness or the brownness under your eyes and give you a brighter, fresher, more awake and well-rested look.
The bisque range offers a selection of 9 colors (from lightest to darkest):
porcelain bisque,
extra light bisque,
light bisque,
light to medium bisque,
medium to dark bisque,
dark bisque,
deep bisque,
very deep bisque.
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This is the Bobbi Brown Corrector in the shade Light Bisque. |
The peach range offers a selection of 7 colors (from lightest to darkest):
porcelain peach,
light peach,
light to medium peach,
peach bisque,
dark peach,
deep peach.
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This is the Bobbi Brown Corrector int he shade Light Peach. |
I got my correctors in the colors light bisque and light peach. I already knew the bisque range would be more up my alley since the discoloration of my under eye darkness is more of a blueish kind, but I figured I would give the peach range a try as well and I also wanted to be able to show you guys the difference between the two, so I got both. As you can see in the photo of the swatches, they are completely different. The light bisque corrector is a pale rosy color whereas the light peach is a more peachy color. Check out the swatches of the two colors in the pictures below :)
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Here I have swatched my two Bobbi Brown Correctors for you guys, to the left we have the shade Light Peach and to the right we have the shade Light Bisque. |
This is something that I feel I just have to address because as some of you may know, at least if you read my review on the FakeUp Concealer by Benefit, I have a huuuuuge issue with concealers that crease. Which for me, unfortunately, is pretty much every concealer, ever. The thing is, I'm a very expressive person and I smile a LOT, with my whole face, which leads to endless scrunching of my eyes all day long and the poor concealers that I use end up creasing and settling into fine lines, which in turn leaves me looking about a hundred years old. Okay, it's not THAT bad every day, but some days are better than others and other days I do kinda feel like I look a hundred years old or at least a lot older than I am. However, I have no intention whatsoever to stop smiling with my whole face just to avoid a few extra fine lines or creasing, I feel like that's a small price to pay for being able to brighten someone else's day with a heartfelt smile, don't you? :)
But yeah, the creasing issue.. That's always something I pay attention to when trying out a new under eye product, because just because I love smiling and have no intention of stopping doing that just to avoid some creasing doesn't mean I still wouldn't love to find a product that creases as little as possible (I'm not even going to say "a product that doesn't crease" because to be honest with you, I don't think such a thing even exists - at least for me). Enter the Bobbi Brown Corrector :) The funny thing is, I've been using an under eye primer to try to avoid creasing (the one I use is the Hydrating Under Eye Primer by Smashbox, which is a good product, more on that in a separate review though), but since I started using the corrector I haven't really needed my primer. I've tried using the primer underneath the corrector and sure, that works too, but then I forgot to put it on one day and noticed that the corrector in itself dos the job so after that I haven't really been using my primer. This is just how it works for me though, feel free to share your own experiences in the comment section below.
When I use my Bobbi Brown Corrector, which is pretty much every time I put on makeup these days, I experience a lot less creasing than when I use just a concealer or a primer and a concealer. I don't know what it is, but it works for me. Lately I've been using the combination of Bobbi Brown Corrector and Make Up Forever Full Cover Concealer (which in itself also is very low-crease, one of the very best I've ever tried actually - but more on that in another review) and the results have been pretty great. Of course there is a little bit of settling in fine lines and a little bit of creasing, but very minimal really and it has for sure been the best combo I've tried in a while. I tried combining the corrector with some other concealers as well, but right now this works. I will be trying out my new Eve Pearl Salmon Concealer duo very soon though, so I will keep you updated on how that turns out as well, there will be a review on that coming up soon.
I have my Makeup Forever Full Cover Concealer in the color #6 Ivory. This is a rather light shade with a bit of a yellowy undertone and at first it seemed like a perfect match for me so I was super happy, but I soon came to realize as I was using it that it does tend to oxidize, so you end up with a couple shades (or three) darker than it first seemed to be when you applied it. This was sort of a bummer for me, as I specifically had planned to use this concealer for my under eye region because I had heard that it doesn't crease much. I can still use it, but I would prefer a lighter shade so I think I will place an order for a lighter one next time I do my shopping at 4 Ever Young Cosmetics (which is where I got this as well, the price was $31 minus the 10% discount). Below I posted some pictures of swatches of this concealer next to the correctors.
As you can see in the pictures, the color of the concealer is a lot lighter in the top picture, whereas in the bottom two the color is a lot darker. Because I did blend the product and worked it into my skin, you might not be able to tell that much of a difference (maybe I should have applied a bit more product - I just applied a tiny little bit - yes it's super pigmented as well, or just not blended it so much), but I assure you the difference is quite big in real life.
As you can see in the closeup above, the shades of the correctors are the same after blending and after a bit of waiting, so no oxidation to be taken into consideration there, if your skin tone calls for a specific shade, go for it, that is the way the color will stay. As or the Makeup Forever Full Cover Concealer, I would suggest you go for a shade lighter than you normally would, just because there will be some oxidation and the shade will turn darker than it is upon application.
Ease of use
Like I said before, the consistency of the product is quite dense but somehow still creamy and application is quite easy really. I usually apply my corrector using a concealer brush, but you can apply it with your fingers as well (just make sure your hands are super clean so you don't contaminate the product if you plan on dipping your fingers in the product, or use a little spatula to remove the product from the container). I feel the product glides on quite nicely, but of course you need to take extra care when applying it (just like with any product that goes on the skin in the eye region), so that you don't tug or pull the delicate skin.
I quite like that it has a built-in mirror in the container itself, I haven't really used it yet, as I usually have a specific mirror I use when applying my makeup, but I imagine it can come in handy if you have to apply your makeup on the go and don't want to carry a lot of extra products n mirrors in your bag.
Just to give you guys more of an idea on how the corrector really works, I put together a little picture demo for you guys. Hehe, oh, and there will be photos of bare faced me, no makeup, so don't get scared :)
Okay, so step one: this is me without makeup. This is the sleep deprived post-surgery me (serious lack of sleep due to the pain), so try to bear with me, I know my under eye circles are going bananas, I look completely fatigued and it all sort of makes me look like a little sleep deprived panda when I'm not wearing my beloved corrector.
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Sleep deprived panda. |
That was scary, I know, sorry :D The top two photos are taken in a warmer lighting and the bottom two in a cooler lighting, just to show you guys the difference. So then, onto step two, in the next picture I have applied the corrector to my left eye, but not to my right (for comparison's sake).
In the picture above you can compare the left eye with the right and see that the Bobbi Brown Corrector really does make a huge difference.
In step three, pictured below, I have applied corrector to both eyes.
In the next set of photos I have applied both corrector and concealer to my left eye (shown to the right in the picture - mirrored), whereas the right eye has corrector alone in the top picture. In the bottom picture I have applied both corrector and concealer to both eyes.
Right, that was that. Just to make it a little bit easier for you guys to actually see the difference I also made some step to step collages. First, my left eye in three stages:
top = naked eye,
middle = only corrector,
bottom = both corrector and concealer.
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Top - bare eye, middle - with the Bobbi Brown Corrector, bottom - with both Bobbi Brown Corrector in Light Bisque and Makeup Forever Full Cover Concealer in #6 Ivory. |
And then the same for the right eye:
top = naked eye,
middle = only corrector,
bottom = both corrector and concealer.
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Top - bare eye, middle - with the Bobbi Brown Corrector, bottom - with both Bobbi Brown Corrector in Light Bisque and Makeup Forever Full Cover Concealer in #6 Ivory. |
And then both eyes (from top to bottom 1 being at the very top and 6 being the bottom picture)"
1. Naked eyes.
2. Corrector on left eye only (to the right in the picture - mirrored) right eye still bare (to the left in the picture).
3. Corrector on both eyes.
4. Corrector and concealer on the left eye (to the right in the photo) and only corrector on the right eye (to the left in the photo).
5. Corrector and concealer on both eyes.
6. Eye makeup done.
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From start to finish, explanation for the steps above. |
And then finally onto the finished look.
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And here is the finished look, the pictures to the sides were taken in cooler lighting whereas the middle one was taken in warmer lighting. |
Hourglass - Mineral Veil Primer
Lioele - Triple the solution BB cream
Bobbi Brown - Corrector in the shade Light Bisque
Makeup Forever - Full Cover Concealer in the shade #6 Ivory
IT Cosmetics - Bye Bye Pores Poreless Finish HD Micro-Powder (loose powder)
Tarte - Amazonian Clay Matte Waterproof Bronzer in the shade Park Avenue Princess
Laneige - Makeup Brighter in the shade 2 (the most fantastic luminizer/highlighter everrrrr, love this stuff!)
K-Palette - Real Lasting Eyebrow 24 h in the shade 01 (this stuff is fantastic as well)
MAC - LiquidLast Liner in the shade Point Black (best liquid eyeliner EVER!)
MAC - Paint Pot in the shade Painterly
MAC - Paint Pot in the shade Bare Study
Imju - Fiberwig Mascara (amazing mascara, love love love this!)
Etude House - Fresh Cherry Liptint in the shade OR201 (great lip tint, love this range, comes in 4 colors, all really pretty and yummy)
MAC - Cremesheen Lipstick in the shade Crème Cup
There are reviews coming up on most of these products in the near future, so stay tuned for that :) If there is any product in particular that interests you, please let me know in the comment section below and I will try to get that review up here ASAP. :)
And that is it :) If you have any questions or comments, feel free to post them in the comment section below and I will try to get back to you as soon as possible :) And if you are looking for a product to help alleviate the dark under eye circles I genuinely suggest you give the Bobbi Brown Correctors a try, I had been going back and forth about trying them for the longest time and honestly, I'm so glad I decided to go for it! No more sleep deprived panda :)
I hope this review was of some help to those of you wanting to get to know the product a little and hopefully you guys will like the corrector if you decide to give it a go :)
Alright then, I hope you all keep enjoying the summer, have a fantastic day and please remember to smile, laugh, love and stay positive! :) 'Til next time! :)
Wow. You made my day. Have been suffering from dark circles forever as well. :( But yours don't affect your beautiful face that much, unlike mine. Will definitely try the Bobbi Brown Corrector. Thanks again! ;)
ReplyDeleteHi there!
Deletehehe aww thanks that's so sweet! :) trust me though, some days I look like a panda :D I'm so glad this post could help you, I really hope the product is a good match for you. I know I would be lost without mine in my makeup routine nowadays, it's such a great product! Let me know how things work out and have a great day! :)