Friday, November 17, 2017

Back in business!

Hello lovelies!

Let me start off by saying that this has been a looong time coming, but now I'm finally getting back to blogging. I know I already intended to do so quite a while back, but life got in the way and I didn't really have the time to write, so the hibernation continued a lot longer than I had first intended. However, now I'm back :)

Since the last time I wrote a LOT has happened. Most importantly, my fiancé and I had a wonderful little baby, and becoming a mom is the absolute best thing that has ever happened to me!

As my life has changed and moved forward, so have my interests. So, while my blog was previously focused on beauty related topics, now I will be introducing some new topics as well! I had been feeling - for a long time really - that my blog needed some new content, as well as a new direction and now feels like the right time to make these changes. With this revival of my blog, there will still be some beauty and health related topics in the future, but I will also be shifting over to another theme that has become very central in my life, namely baby related topics and I must say I'm really excited to share this new content with you.

While I was pregnant I was researching baby products left and right and I got familiarised with a LOT of different brands and items. Since then, some of these products have found their way into our home and now I'm excited to share my insight and opinions about them with you! I am still learning about new brands and products, but I figured you could join me on this journey and hopefully I can help some other moms out there find the right products for them as well.

To give you more of an idea of what you can expect, the main features I appreciate in baby gear is safety, quality, durability, practicality and style.

So, welcome back to my blog and I hope you enjoy the new content!

PS. The first reviews on here will be on products by my new favorite brand Ju-Ju-Be, so stay tuned for that!


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